How to integrate Github

Synchronize a git repository with your application for automatic commits.

Whenever a commit is sent to your application repository, the Discloud will update your application files automatically.

Example of git logs in the DisCloud during a deployment

This feature is only available for paid plans.


It is required that your application is already hosted in the Discloud.

How to Use?

Enter the text channel #πŸ”Œγƒ»commands and type .git

.git command in the commands channel

Repository URL

Go into the DM of the DisCloud bot and paste the repository URL for your application.

Pasting the URL of the repository

Configure the Access Token (Open Github)

It is important that access is for all repositories (especially if you want to enable synchronization for more than 1 application)

Setting up a new token with a name, expiration time, and access to the repositories

Permissions Configuration

Select the read-only Webhooks setting and generate your token


Open your application repository and create a webhook

Adicionando um webhook

Configuring the Webhook

Make sure you change the content type to application/json

Last updated